Free Klondike Bar if You Let Me Save Your Soul (Reddit)

  “Looking at this guy I feel sorry for him… I think he might have some kind of legitimate mental problems. When you believe that you can save someone’s soul for some candy their mental capacity needs to be questioned.”


Me saving souls at Portland Saturday Market (Photo taken by adamgb)

“God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you.”
Matthew 5:11 NIV

Reddit Post:

You almost tricked me, guy. (Spotted in PDX, OR) (
submitted 3 months ago by adamgb

Skepticthatgui 30 points 3 months ago
Would you … convert to christianity for a klondike bar?
BTW guy, it’s not free if it’s conditional.

josh1367 18 points 3 months ago
it’s not free if it’s conditional.
Tell that to every company ever

Agnostic Atheistnyxzoe 13 points 3 months ago
Just like salvation.
*If you devote your life to me, confess your sins, repent, give up rational thought, and give up your pleasureful sinful ways. Terms and conditions may apply.

Atheistcinemadness 6 points 3 months ago
Hell yeah. I could just de-convert anyway.

AtheistJonassMkII 2 points 3 months ago
Technically, nothing is free. Even if I throw you a free T-shirt, it was conditional on you catching it, conditional on you going to where I am, ect.

Skepticthatgui 1 point 3 months ago
Yeah, no free lunch.

Gnostic Atheistboggart777 1 point 3 months ago
not really what this means. “no free lunch” means someone paid for the lunch, regardless of whether or not you were asked to pay.

Skepticthatgui 0 points 3 months ago
It’s taken on a life of it’s own as these things do.

Gnostic Atheistboggart777 0 points 3 months ago
language is not completely fluid. it is beholden to accepted use and convention.’t_no_such_thing_as_a_free_lunch

Jordanp1960 1 point 20 days ago
If that is the case, air is not free because it is conditional to you breathing it.

AtheistJonassMkII 1 point 20 days ago
Which is true. You have to work for that air you’re breathing.

Mekongcoke 2 points 3 months ago
Meh, conversion really means nothing if you don’t believe…Seems like a free ice cream to have some guy mutter something to you…

Chicago_2013 0 points 3 months ago
If I’m stoned and it’s hot and I need to cool down, then yes. It’s a gift from God. Plus I get my soul saved, win win situation for me.

Skepticthatgui 3 points 3 months ago
Hey, if you’re really baked you might actually believe it.

Chicago_2013 1 point 3 months ago
Depending on where my mind takes me, anything is possible. You gotta have faith!

Look_Deeper 1 point 3 months ago
dude, you’re way out of the loop. we’re halfway through 2014

Chicago_2013 1 point 3 months ago
No I’m in the West Loop right now!

Look_Deeper 1 point 3 months ago
I have no clue what that means. now I’m out of the loop 🙁

Chicago_2013 1 point 3 months ago
The “Loop” is downtown Chicago, so you are probably out of the Loop.

Look_Deeper 1 point 3 months ago
indeed I am

Skepticillusive_atheist 22 points 3 months ago
I’d fake it for a klondike bar

bobbymack44212 1 point 3 months ago

Zoplingo 1 point 3 months ago
Sounds like one of those new rap groups.

squarepeg0000 17 points 3 months ago
Souls aren’t worth too much these days are they?

Atheistcinemadness 10 points 3 months ago
I knew a guy who sold his soul to his friend for 5 bucks. He tried to get it back, but his friend kept it to himself. He eventually got it back and just ate the piece of paper it was written on. His sister Lisa taught him a valuable lesson, though.

squarepeg0000 2 points 3 months ago
Yah? What did Lisa do?

Atheistcinemadness 8 points 3 months ago
That a soul is something personal and that you shouldn’t sell it, even in a metaphorical sense. I’m referencing a Simpsons episode in case you haven’t caught on.

squarepeg0000 2 points 3 months ago
Sorry I missed that. LOL!

Prezombie 1 point 3 months ago
Even as a kid, I thought the mechanics of that episode were a little silly. How does writing “My soul” on a piece of paper make that paper into your soul? It’s like writing “My lungs” down and suddenly losing the ability to breathe.

OKfour 10 points 3 months ago
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I love Jesus, Praise God, no fapping, NOW GIVE ME MY FUCKING KLONDIKE BAR!”

josh1367 9 points 3 months ago
no fapping
woah, slow down there bud. His version doesn’t take it THAT far.

AtheistlTheMFR 4 points 3 months ago
HOLY SHIT I SAW THAT GUY i was hoping he would end up on here

ApatheistGodOfAtheism 7 points 3 months ago
Homeboy couldn’t like, get Tillamook ice cream at least? Dang son. Dang.

Gnostic AtheistYourFairyGodmother 5 points 3 months ago
Or at least Umpqua for god’s sake!

Secular Humanistsquirrelspearls 3 points 3 months ago
Klondike is way to mainstream for Portland.

ApatheistGodOfAtheism 3 points 3 months ago
Especially at the Saturday Market, which is all about buying farm fresh and handmade stuff.

Igtheistrasungod0 3 points 3 months ago
The ol’ bait and switch…

adamgb[S] 2 points 3 months ago
That’s what I was thinking, his sign is basically clickbait.

IamSparticles 2 points 3 months ago
Well, I guess that’s one way to answer the question.

sobeita 2 points 3 months ago
Step up your game, I’ve heard Satan makes some pretty good deals.

TheDanishPencil 2 points 3 months ago
Would not do for a klondike bar.

boxinafox 2 points 3 months ago
I would have liked to have gone to costco, bought a bunch of klondikes, and stood next to him with another sign. “Free Klondike bar – if you let me save you from that guy >>>> ”

bipolar_sky_fairy 1 point 3 months ago
I suppose you don’t get the bar until AFTER you’re saved, whatever that entails..

imageswhenawake 3 points 3 months ago
I already mouthed all those soul-saving words 20 years ago… I’ll say them again for a Klondike bar.
Hell, I’ll say Thor pulls the sun across the sky with his chariot, or that 2+2=cabbage for a bar.
Whatever. Thanks for the bar.

josh1367 1 point 3 months ago
“Yo, can I get a Klondike bar?”
“Sure, have you heard of our lord and savior Jesus Christ?”
“Not till now! Thanks, I’m saved. Can I get the bar now?”

eboskie1 1 point 3 months ago
Looking at this guy I feel sorry for him… I think he might have some kind of legitimate mental problems. When you believe that you can save someone’s soul for some candy their mental capacity needs to be questioned.

sobeita 2 points 3 months ago
While you’re not automatically wrong, I think this was a well-intentioned attempt at humor.

mucusdrop 1 point 3 months ago
So does this mean I’m forsaken since I don’t like ice cream? Or chocolate very much for that matter.

Secular Humanistvanisaac 2 points 3 months ago
Clearly you are a lost soul, and beyond redemption.

ktorch 1 point 3 months ago
I think I’d rather sell my soul on Ebay, it’s a lot more profitable.

knightbear 1 point 3 months ago
You know what, I like his style. Not the shorts, mind you.

AtheistJonassMkII 1 point 3 months ago
I’d do a LOT for a Klondike Bar, but not that 😀

Thtpurplestuff 1 point 3 months ago
He would’ve gotten my soul for a Chaco Taco. No self-respecting heathen would go for less than a bugs bunny popsicle.

ApatheistDuntadaMan 1 point 3 months ago
And now I remember why I like it here, the conversation didn’t instantly turn into people photo shopping that short girl into things like some other places.

leodensian 1 point 3 months ago
New Balance shoes with Nike socks??? Superfreak.

deepspace_9 1 point 3 months ago
if it takes less than 5 seconds to “convert”, I can “convert” million times, now give me million bars.

Ellimist-Meno 1 point 3 months ago
Wow religion… The one thing I wouldn’t do for a Klondike bar!

Skwerl23 1 point 3 months ago
He must give out too many. People are usually set on their religion. (Or non religion)

Reddit thread found here

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